Project management is the ability to administer a series of time-consuming tasks, resulting in a successful achievement of the goal. It includes:

  • a summary description of the project’s objectives, problems that are addressed, the needs or the ideas of the client,
  • define components that make up the contents of project delivery,
  • the team’s team of project management, competences, roles and responsibilities,
  • organizational structure of the project, role and responsibility,
  • processes and methodologies to be applied in project management
  • time plan with the needs of key resources as well as its deadlines
  • cost plan and cash flow in the project, and plan of supply, supply and logistics in the project
  • analysis of key project risks, risk response proposal
  • making necessary studies for the implementation of the project
  • drafting of contract and contract documents for designers, supervisors and draftsmen
  • method of analysis of submitted bids
  • drafting of contract proposals for designers, supervisors and executives
  • the methods of monitoring project execution control, execution reporting, trend forecasts,
  • monitoring the project during its execution in determining the justification for possible deviations from the project implementation plan